01/11/2023 | By:walhalabi

Did you know that mobile app development is one of the biggest industries on the planet?

There are about 2.5 million apps in the Google Play Store in 2019; and over 205 billion mobile app downloads worldwide. Nothing fancy, right? Wrong.

The mobile application is an increasing trend for businesses in recent years. So, if you don’t have a mobile app yet, now is the time to ride in with the trend. You can develop your app by considering a reliable mobile app development company.

Before hiring a mobile app development company, you need a thorough evaluation. In this post, we give you seven questions that you need to consider if you plan to hire a mobile app development company in Turkey. As a bonus, find out what Full Scale has to say for themselves.

7 Questions When Choosing a Mobile App Development Company

1. What’s your development process?

A precise and fundamentally structured process is very important in application development. It is by knowing the company’s development process that the client and the development team convey and implement their shared vision according to the client’s preference.

Since companies differ in their development process, choose a company with a refined and well-implemented development process. This is to eliminate defects, decrease the delivery time, and generate high-quality output.

One of the best processes that most app development company practices are Agile development. This process promotes well-disciplined project management wherein frequent inspection and adaptation are practiced.

Not only that, Agile encourages teamwork, self-organization, and accountability among the members. IBM and Microsoft are few of the multinational information technology companies, along with huge Fortune 500 companies, that use agile development.

2. Where can I find examples of mobile apps you’ve developed?

When you shop for a couch online, brief descriptions and lengthy details are not enough; you need to see the actual picture of the couch. In choosing an Android and iOS application development company, you also need to see — not the developers’ pictures — but the applications they have developed. You can ask for the company’s portfolio or any platform that houses the apps they have developed so far.

Don’t trust words or promises of the company’s works, you need to see the real output. Through their portfolio or sample works, you can determine whether the development company’s application is suited for your business.

3. Can you provide documentation for the applications?

Upon asking this question, a reliable iOS and Android app development company should answer a straightforward, “Yes!” Documentation is the manual of a user or software, a very important script for mobile developers.

The documentation holds all features and aspects of the software. Its three main focuses are development, maintenance, and knowledge transfer. Let’s say, that you hired a team of developers to build an app. Along the way, you decided to have an in-house team of developers.

How will your in-house team continue to develop the app? The documentation is the answer. It contains everything about the app so the succeeding developers can continue to manage the app.

4. What is the platform you are using?

A mobile app development platform enables developers to build, test, and deploy mobile applications. The company of your choice should be experienced enough to determine the development platform that will be best for the application that your business needs.

There are two popular mobile app types: native apps and hybrid appsNative apps are developed solely for a single mobile operating system. For example; apps built for Android cannot run on iOS, an operating system of iPhones. This is because Android apps are only built for the Android operating system.

Hybrid or cross-platform, on the other hand, are built using multi-platform technologies. This mobile app type is typically faster and easier to develop since its code targets multiple operating systems. Because of this, a lot of businesses often prefer to hire a cross-platform app development company.

5. How do you do testing and QA?

You now have an app! What to do next, launch it? No. Before you launch your app to Google Play Store or App Store, your application should be examined for bugs, connection, design, compatibility, battery and resource consumption, and speed.

6. What are your security policies?

Security should never be taken for granted in information technology. It is every company’s nightmare to have sensitive information leak for the public to see. Before signing an agreement with a mobile app development company, make sure that their security and compliance measures are industry-standard and up-to-date.

7. How can we communicate during the development process?

Communication is the key to create an efficient and beneficial mobile application, especially if your team is time zones away. The transfer of ideas and feedback is important in the mobile app development process — a role crucially played by communication.

Failure to communicate ideas and feedback may slow down the process; which will lead to an increase in production cost and cause a painful delay of launching. The horror!

Source: Fullscale

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